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How is Green Moonrock MDMA Used?

Green Moonrock MDMA, also known as “GMR,” is a powerful psychedelic drug that is derived from the bark of the African tree, Tabernanthe iboga.

GMR is known for its ability to induce powerful hallucinations, as well as its ability to increase feelings of well-being, euphoria, and spiritual connectedness. It is also said to have anti-addictive properties.

Green Moonrock MDMA is a new and improved form of MDMA Canada that is said to be more potent and longer lasting than the original. It is also said to be less likely to cause the negative side effects associated with MDMA use, such as anxiety and jaw clenching.

Green Moonrock MDMA is typically taken in pill form, though it can also be snorted or smoked. The effects of Green Moonrock MDMA can last for up to 8 hours, and users report feeling more relaxed, happy, and sociable while under its influence.

Some users have also reported experiencing mild hallucinations on Green Moonrock MDMA, though these are typically not as intense as those caused by other drugs such as LSD.

Green Moonrock MDMA is not currently illegal in the United States, though it is not yet FDA approved. However, it is likely only a matter of MDMA Online Canada time before it is made illegal, so enjoy it while you can!